Ain’t no party like Birthday Party in Lockdown

Ain’t no party like Birthday Party in Lockdown

Birthday Plans for Charlie As Charlie’s 3rd Birthday approached, the whole family and his friends were extremely excited.  We had a party with a bit of a difference planned.  We had an outdoor adventure scheduled for the 28th of March, (Charlie’s actual Birthday) on...
Ain’t no party like Birthday Party in Lockdown

Twins you say?

Picture the scene, I’m 8 weeks (ish) pregnant, over the initial shock (not planned, but very wanted!) and starting to get used to this whole carrying another living being inside of me. I’m just doing a quick run to Tesco when bang, someone crashes into the back of my...
Ain’t no party like Birthday Party in Lockdown

Lockdown living: home-working with two young kids

My name is Sam, i’m 32 and I live with my husband, our six year old son and almost two year old daughter.  My husband and I are very lucky to be working from home. As we have an absolute hurricane of a toddler, as well as our 6 year old, it’s not possible...
How to thrive in any situation

How to thrive in any situation

Thriving, Adjective: prosperous and growing; flourishing What does it mean to thrive to you? To me it means to be able to have a mindset of being able to just go with flow of life. I’m generally a planner, however, when I find I let go and live a little without the...
How to feed your soul

How to feed your soul

Let’s face it, there are times now more than ever, this feeling of being stuck in a rut is more apparent in our lives. It’s a feeling of flatness maybe a little stress or anxiety? If so, then it’s definitely time to nourish your soul. Your soul, what is it? You’re...