It’s September 2021 and we’re finally able to get back to ‘normal’.

Following government guidance, we are now able to return to our usual set up. After 18 months of juggling online classes with home schooling for many of our teachers, followed by outdoor summer classes, then the return to indoor classes with social distancing, we’re finally here.

Back to lugging around enough equipment to nearly pass out on the way to classes every day. But we wouldn’t have it any other way. All of our Franchisees are so happy to get those colourful mats back out and spread the Kalma joy everywhere we go.

So what’s changed?

If you’d never been to a Kalma Life class before March 2020, then when we say our usual set up, you’ll likely be wondering what that is.  So here is a picture from one of our recent classes…

We are no longer required to remain 2 metres apart, however class sizes
are monitored to ensure plenty of space on the mats for everyone. We understand some people may find these changes overwhelming and we want to do our best to support everyone.

We can sing! So get your best singing voices ready for classes and belt out the best tunes, we all love The Wheels on the Bus right?

What is keeping you safe?

We are keeping lots of our procedures in place to ensure our classes are safe environments for everyone. You’ll be pleased to know that we’re keeping Dettol in business by cleaning our mats in between classes, and using hand sanitiser or washing our hands regularly. We have one use props in place along with asking parents to remove shoes and using a
blanket or muslin to place over cushions.

Rooms will be ventilated, and teachers will be testing twice weekly using lateral flow tests. We ask that anyone showing symptoms of Covid 19 to not attend classes and to isolate if testing positive.  Follow the latest guidance always from the government.

So welcome back to your Kalma Life journey, yoga for your Mind, Body and
Soul.  Find out what our classes are all about here.