Imagine having a job where by the end of your working day, your face literally ached from smiling?!…Where your colleagues varied from some of the most supportive women in the world, to the cutest little people?

Well, that’s what you get when you join Kalma Life.

How did I join Kalma Life?
I became a Kalma Life Teacher in 2018 after I returned to my corporate role in Sales and realised, I couldn’t stand the pressure anymore. I was suffocated by the demands made of me, by the time I was expected to commit and the pressure to hit targets.

I wanted to work flexibly but was told I couldn’t. I wanted to enjoy my time at work, rather than feel stressed out and sad I wasn’t with my child. I knew I needed to start prioritising my health. Bonus points if I could improve my fitness as well. Sitting at a desk all day just wasn’t the one for me anymore!

At the end of my maternity leave, I had attending Toddler Yoga sessions in my area. I had been attending Hot Yoga in Bristol for quite some time. (And at this stage had only ever dreamt about becoming a yoga teacher myself!) So when I heard about Kalma Life yoga, I knew I wanted to take my son along. Classes were fantastic; full of the fundamentals of yoga, but with a unique twist ideal for engaging babies and toddlers.

After attending a term as a parent, I found out that the Franchisee and yoga instructor, Cassie, was due to go on maternity leave and would be recruiting someone to cover her sessions. I saw an opportunity…

I took an enormous leap and quit my job, on the same day contacting Cassie.  Could I make my dream of becoming a yoga teacher a reality?

Well, guess what? I got the job and nearly 5 years later, I’m still here!

What’s to love about being a Kalma Franchisee and Teacher?

I adore my job. It fits in around my life and commitments. I now have 2 young children and a husband who works shifts, so the flexibility of choosing my timetable was a game changer.

Instead of long commutes to work and to meetings, I now make a quick trip to a local venue and spend my time laughing, singing, dancing and doing my favourite thing, YOGA!

Instead of deadlines, stress and long hours sat at a desk, my job literally gives me a massive boost of Dopamine and Endorphins just through being there.

It isn’t always easy, especially if I’ve had a terrible night’s sleep or all the kids in my class that day are in an off mood, but it’s always rewarding. I get to; watch parents work their way through the fourth trimester and come out the other side, see babies hit their milestones and celebrate with them, watch friendships between both yogis and parents blossom, see school children learn to regulate their emotions, see a room of children utterly relaxed and at peace.

Not a single day is the same, to be a Kalma Yoga Teacher, you have to be able to think on your feet and you certainly have to have a sense of humour but being a part of Team Kalma is without a doubt the best decision you’ll ever make. It was for me!

I recently delivered sessions for an entire school in support of Childrens Mental Health Week. Helping young people develop their resilience and learn how to protect their wellbeing is priceless!

The scope within a Kalma Life Franchise is endless. Some Franchise Owners have gone on to open their own dedicated Yoga Studio or Hub, whereas others have partnered with Dementia Charities and Care Homes to provide Intergenerational Sessions, aimed at improving the wellbeing of care home residents.

If you’ve read this far, you’re probably pretty interested… so why not head to www.kalmayogafranchise.co.uk to find out more about how to join Kalma Life and complete the contact form to receive your Franchise Pack.