Benefits of Baby Massage and reflexology

Benefits of Baby Massage and reflexology

World Reflexology week! In typical Kalma massage session our babies are extremely responsive to massage and reflexology. We always preach that it’s most mothers instinctive rub their children’s feet and hands when their child is irritable, crying, or...
Balance Awareness week – The Vestibular system

Balance Awareness week – The Vestibular system

Helping your child’s vestibular system! In a typical Kalma Baby class the vestibular system is one which we talk of so often and its importance to a child’s development. For those you unfamiliar with the vestibular system it’s all about balance and...
Balance Awareness week – The Vestibular system

Top five stretches to help the pains of feeding!

Take care of you while you take care of baby! It can be easy to forget to look after mama when you have a baby, but by taking care of you it has a two fold affect on your little one. I can remember bottle and Breast feeding all of my boys and each method created aches...
Inhale LOVE exhale GRATITUDE

Inhale LOVE exhale GRATITUDE

Inhale LOVE exhale GRATITUDE…. What are you grateful for today? Ralph Waldo Emerson once said that in order to achieve contentment, one should “cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously.”  Being...
Feeling HOT HOT HOT!!!

Feeling HOT HOT HOT!!!

Having had our first pregnancy relaxation class yesterday and hearing how our mums to be are finding it tough in this heat we felt compelled to write some top tips from our teachers experience. As teachers of children’s Yoga in this hot weather we are advising...