Baby Yoga and Developmental Massage
6 weeks to 18 months

We welcome your yogis to our baby yoga and developmental massage classes from 6 weeks of age after an initial health check from their doctor.

This is where the yoga journey begins for tiniest yogis. 

 A holistic approach to health can have huge benefits for you and your family helping to promote well-being through the treatment of the body, mind and spirit.

As teachers we have seen the many positive effects massage and yoga can have on children of all ages that’s why we believe an introduction to your child from an early age is pivotal in their own health and well-being.

You can find out all the information on our classes and ages below, what you can expect and the many benefits yoga and massage bring.

two mums with babies in a yoga class with bubbles and
baby smiling enjoying a massage class

Kalma Baby Massage: From 6 weeks to 18 months 

Our Developmental massage classes introduce you and your baby to massage. Sequences including singing, playing, kissing and talking. It is a lovely bonding experience for parent and baby.   Classes will show the correct use of massage to develop circulatory and breathing rhythms, introduce easy tummy time, develop muscle strength and flexibility and relieving common ailments.  Baby massage has many benefits such as helping with colic, digestion and sleeping.

Class are taught in block sessions.






baby lying on a yoga mat in a baby yoga class

Kalma Baby Yoga: From 6 weeks to 6 months (sitting unaided)

After a health check is completed our baby yoga classes can be started.  We offer a relaxed but fun environment where classes are delivered using yoga inspired stretches. Classes are structured to offer 45 minutes of yoga as well as some lovely relaxation at the end-which is always well earned!  In a typical session baby and parents will be introduced to music, song and rhyme along with lots of sensory props.  There are stretches for mum during sessions, and together stretches but primarily we focus on the infants.

Classes are taught in block sessions.


Kalma Baby Yoga: From 6 months to 18 months

Once sitting unaided is established a progressive move can come into this class where the pace is faster and little ones are introduced to more yoga inspired stretches that are age appropriate. The same structure surrounds these classes as the younger class previous, but at a more advanced level for little ones. The focus is on balance, coordination and reaching milestones.

Classes are taught in block sessions.


little girl stretching on a yoga mat
babies and mums enjoying a massage and relaxation class

Kalma Twilight sessions: 6 months to 18 months

Specialist sessions solely based around techniques to help your little one relax and sleep. We study and practice massage, calming techniques, breathing, relaxation and inversions. You will learn sequences inspired through yoga which help with deeper sleeping, improve concentration and help relax your little ones. Sessions are 45 minutes, include sensory props, songs and music to help with ambiance.  These sessions will help deeper sleeping and encourage your little one to relax.

Classes are taught in block sessions.

The benefits of baby massage and yoga…

Baby yoga is an ancient art used in many diverse cultures to help with a variety of physical and emotional needs and to promote relaxation.  Touch is your baby’s most developed sense at birth and through a Kalma baby yoga class you can communicate love, security and trust to your baby immediately”

”Baby Massage stimulates and supports your baby’s physical, emotional and social development”

”Baby yoga and massage can help relieve wind, colic, constipation and teething ailment.  Its also a great way of helping support disabilities such as cerebral palsy”

”Baby yoga and massage will both help create and develop the bond between you and your baby.  Its a lovely additional to both parents and baby and can be done at any point in a baby’s routine”

”Baby Yoga and Massage provides relaxation for both you and your baby.  Releasing feel good hormones which induce relaxation!”